Snake : incorporation other classes

While I was working on the illustrations and flats, I had several chance to incorporate two of my classes together.

First of all, I used the figures form the drawing class. Above is how the original series looks like.

Also, I used the design from 2D class and made a basic blazer in Integrated 3D class. The jacket does not have all the details that my jacket has, but it is a basic form and I could see how the jacket would work actually.

Snake : flats

After done with the photoshop illustrations, I made flats of accessories and garments that I used for the drawing. These designs are from Integrated Studio 2D. I didn't want to make the page layout boring, so I used one figure as a mannequin for the bracelet.

Then I named each items based on its inspirations. For example, Lady Blue Garter jacket was named that way because it is using the color palette from the photo of a blue garter snake.

Snake : top 5 surface designs

These are five surface designs that I liked and used for the illustration. I used one of the figures and made it like a swatch.

Snake : drawings

For my drawing final, I was supposed to draw a series of two illustrations. I decided to take two figures from the series and incorporate them with the digital class. So I scan the inked drawing and started to working on.

I used threadshold tool to make the line clear and started to fill with the random colors.

Then I replaced first colors to actual colors.

This is the naturalistic version of my fashion figures.

This is wide open version, which I experimented more.